So Mandar over at Even More Things That Make Me Think pointed me to a article in Newsweek about how Atheists are supposedly going pro-life...
Apparently this atheist UPS guy speaks for us all when he says that atheists see life a sacred and want to protect it at all costs. That may be true, but that doesn't make us pro-life. Pro-lifers are people who want to ban all abortion. Some even in the case of rape and incest.
I'm sorry, but this is a poor portrayal of atheists from a major news magazine. Boo on Newsweek for such a shitty article that really shows a complete lack of research from an author who was more than likely looking for a pro-life atheist.
Moreover, Atheists are usually people like me; Preachy pompous know-it-alls (please take a joke people). What they know for sure is that if abortion is illegal (like pro-lifers want it to be) then women will be forced to use coat hangers in dark allies to get abortions.
Check out the article here.
Back In My Day We Had Candles!
4 hours ago
Yeah...not a hell of a lot of atheists take the position of Hitchens and the UPS guy. They exist, but they just aren't that numerous. Luckily, the article points them out as a subgroup, rather than a representation of the whole. But still...they aren't particularly noteworthy when it comes to size.
I'm all for moving away from the religious arguments against abortion. But the secular ones are just as deceptive.
You.. you .. you mean that you HATE God... AND you don't trust the UPS????
What's next, you don't beiieve those five hundred eye-witnesses to Jesus' return from the dead!?
Surely you MUST see God's handiwork everywhere that you look!?
I was annoyed when I read this article in Newsweek... But you know, they were trying to just make it so "pro-life" is no longer just a religious thing...
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