31 October 2008

A Failed Hallow's Eve

Quick rant: So when driving through Bellville to go to Christie's house, we happened to drive through their "trick or treat" event. Major fail! There were about 3 kids under 16 years and about 500 kids over 18 years of age. What the fuck happened. Halloween used to be for little kids and great scary movies. Total fail! Oh yeah, did I mention that Christie already had her Christmas tree up! Uber uber fail!

In the spirt of FAILED, I've decided to feature some great images from failblog.org which are pretty self explanitory.


Asylum Seeker said...

"Scream until daddy stops"? That has got to be the most unfortunate billboard announcement ever. I don't even know what it was supposed to say originally (probably something involving ice cream). I probably shouldn't find it as hilarious as I do. But I can't helps it.

The Maze Monster said...

I am HOPING that what they meant was for kids in the passing cars to scream until their father's stopped to cars to get some Dairy Queen...

But then again, I'm often one to see the bright side of things.

Michael said...

Hahah, those were great! I will have to check out the site.

Asylum Seeker said...

"I am HOPING that what they meant was for kids in the passing cars to scream until their father's stopped to cars to get some Dairy Queen..."

Oh...yeah...that makes sense....

I have been on the internet for far too long. What have I become....

Pandora said...

HAHAHA omg those were fantastic