26 August 2008

Preacher Fakes Cancer, Blames Porn

Pastor Michael Guglielmucci has been faking cancer for 2 years. He has held money raising efforts to help him during those two years (raising thousands and thousands of dollars). Now he has confessed that he's been faking it all along. Now he wants you to all go pray for him because he's admitting that he's been addicted to porn for the last sixteen years (since age 12). What makes this all worse? His followers are praising his strength to admit his faults. "Everybody is a sinner and he's so brave to admit his sins to all of us and I commend him for it," says one follower. What total bullshit. Just imagine how people would react if a politician had faked cancer for 2 years and then claimed to be addicted to porn (not to mention made money for his fake cancer). People would be livid! But no no no, not when it comes to Mr. Guglielmucci. He's a Christian, which makes him untouchable. That's the true magic of religion. Source

1 comment:

Michael said...

I am so sick of Christians and their protection of sick people, just because they are Christians